
UTComp announces licensing agreement with VED s.r.l.

UTComp is pleased to welcome VED s.r.l. to our growing network of UltraAnalytix® NDT licensees. Established in 1970 and based in Italy, VED provides asset inspection and management services as well as composite equipment production (tanks, pipe, structures),...

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UltraAnalytix NDT system featured in World Pipelines magazine

UTComp is featured in the November 2023 issue of World Pipelines magazine. In the article titled “Before It’s Too Late,“ UTComp founder and CTO Geoff Clarkson discusses the value of UltraAnalytix® NDT for assessing corrosion barrier condition of in-service piping...

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Celebrating 15 years of FRP reliability innovation

“How do we create the fitness-for-service curve for FRP composites like we have for steel?” 

Geoff Clarkson first asked that question in 2000, after finding a consistent gap in reliability support for end users of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) equipment.

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UTComp announces licensing agreement with RPS Composites

UTComp is pleased to announce that RPS Composites has joined the company’s expanding global network of licensees providing UltraAnalytix® inspection services for fiberglass-reinforced plastics (FRP) composite assets. “We’re proud to welcome RPS Composites as a...

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UTComp’s Geoff Clarkson wins 2019 Manning Innovation Award

Cambridge, Ontario engineer Geoff Clarkson receives the Ernest C. Manning Innovation Awards’ David E. Mitchell Award of Distinction for pioneering work in composite materials reliability and safety Cambridge, Ont., Canada, October 24, 2019 – UTComp Inc. is thrilled to...

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