Assessing fiberglass reinforced polymer pipe Piping made from fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites has a long record of success safely transporting hazardous materials such as corrosive acids where steel and other alloys are unsuitable or cost prohibitive....
Maximizing the potential of FRP materials
In today's rapidly changing world, industries are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance productivity, efficiency and sustainability. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials are one important solution that are transforming many industries. Their growing...
Testing FRP composite materials: which method is best?
UTComp’s UltraAnalytix NDT system ensures composite assets meet the highest standards of safety, performance, quality and regulatory compliance.
FRP tank inspection program saves $33 million
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Time and resources are limited for all companies, no matter how big or small. Simply replacing a 20-year-old FRP tank according to schedule or that you’re not sure about might seem like the right choice. Or, when a piece...
API 2024 Summit presentations by UTComp
The UTComp team joined industry experts and thought leaders at the American Petroleum Institute (API) 2024 Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Summit, January 23-25 in San Antonio, Texas. Technical sessions: FRP damage mechanisms and practical inspection techniques...
UltraAnalytix NDT system featured in World Pipelines magazine
UTComp is featured in the November 2023 issue of World Pipelines magazine. In the article titled “Before It’s Too Late,“ UTComp founder and CTO Geoff Clarkson discusses the value of UltraAnalytix® NDT for assessing corrosion barrier condition of in-service piping...
UTComp announces licensing agreement with Nigeria’s Blaqskye International
UTComp is pleased to welcome Blaqskye International to our growing network of UltraAnalytix® NDT licensees. Based in Lagos, Nigeria, BlaqSkye provides engineering and technical support, project management, asset management and inspection services to clients in the...
UTComp licensee spotlight: Carpathia Consulting Other ultrasonic NDT methods no match for UltraAnalytix UTComp’s global network of licensees includes Carpathia Consulting, based in Johannesburg, South Africa. With a background in chemical engineering and more than 20 years of composite...
UTComp licensee spotlight: RPC Technologies UltraAnalytix® NDT a game-changer for Australia’s water industry UTComp’s licensee in Australia, RPC Technologies, is a global leader in the design, engineering and manufacturing of glass reinforced composite (GRP) solutions throughout...
Non-Destructive FRP Pipe Inspection
If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old. -Peter Drucker Reliability engineers and industrial facility operators have long struggled with a lack of hard data to accurately assess the reliability of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) piping and other...