Does your new FRP asset or component comply with specifications?
The goal of a UTComp inspection of new FRP is to provide owners with assurance that the equipment or components comply with specifications, are free of manufacturing defects and will meet their intended serviceability.
In most new inspection cases, the purchase specification lists criteria for acceptance or refers to a number of standards that exist for manufacturing and installation. A partial list of available standards that ONLY apply for manufacturing and installation is below.
- ASME RTP-1, “Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion-Resistant Equipment”
- ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section X, “Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels”
- AD-2000 Merkblatt, “Pressure vessels in glass fibre reinforced thermosetting plastics”
- API 12P, “Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic tanks”
- ASTM D 2562, “Standard Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in Parts Molded from Reinforced Thermosetting Plastics”
- ASTM D 2563, “Standard Practice for Classifying Visual defects in Glass-Reinforced Plastic Laminate Parts”
- ASTM D 3299, “Standard Specification for Filament-Wound Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoset Resin Corrosion-Resistant Tanks”
- ASTM D 4097, “Standard Specification for Contact-Molded Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoset Resin Corrosion-Resistant Tanks”
- ASTM D 3982, “Standard Specification for Contact-Molded “Fiberglass” (Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Duct and Hoods”
- ASTM E 1067, “Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Resin (FRP) Tanks/Vessels”
- EN 13121, “GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground”
- ASME B31.3, “Process Piping Code”
- ISO 14692, “Petroleum and natural gas industries – Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping”
- ASTM F 2376, “Practice for Classification, Design, Manufacture, Construction, and Operation of Water Slide Systems”
At UTComp, we have extensive experience with inspection of new construction using our patented UltraAnalytix® NDT system. When UTComp has also been involved in the design of FRP equipment and components, enhancements to existing standards are often incorporated so that inspection, repairability and reliability is improved.