Data-driven inspection for FRP composite reliability

UltraAnalytix® by UTComp is the world’s only proven NDT method for reliable, safe, cost-effective inspection of fiber-reinforced polymer composite equipment.

Questions about your
FRP equipment?

Do your FRP assets have 3 days or 30 years of remaining service life?

Get the data you need for safe, reliable operations.

With UltraAnalytix NDT inspection, you’ll know what assets to repair or replace, and when. Plan with confidence, save on asset replacement, ensure safety and increase plant efficiency with the world’s first predictive maintenance system for FRP equipment.


No need to cut holes and repair assets


Minimizes confined space entry for  worker safety

No Downtime

Inspect while operating in under an hour

SNT-TC-1A Certified

NDT inspection by professionals certified to SNT-TC-1A requirements


15 years of reliable, repeatable results for 200+ industry leaders


Predictive maintenance delivers a minimum 10x return on investment

“UltraAnalytix is an industry game-changer for accurate service-life forecasting and composite asset reliability.”

Dan Falcioni

Manager of the Materials Technology Group,
XPS Expert Process Solutions

Get Started

Book a call with an FRP reliability expert to discuss your inspection and engineering requirements.

Featured In

FRP Fitness for Service

Fast, reliable, cost-effective NDT inspection and engineering services for all your FRP composite industrial equipment, including piping, storage vessels, ducting, scrubbers, vent stacks, fan impellers, FRP wrapping repairs and more.

FRP Pipes

Phosphoric acid plant pipeline

UTComp examined over five kilometres of side-by-side piping at a phosphoric acid plant ahead of a planned facility expansion.
Read case study…

FRP Tanks

Hydrochloric acid service

Inspection of a tank used for HCL service for decades determines the strength of the FRP in the tank, the condition of the corrosion barrier, and structural data on repairs.
Read case study…

FRP Wrap

FRP wrap inspection

UltraAnalytix NDT quickly and accurately measures the thickness of FRP wrap and the quality of the bond on corroding steel pipes at a major petrochemical facility.
Read case study…

“In an industry that struggles to find a way to reliably test the condition of FRP equipment, UTComp brings credibility and integrity to lifecycle management for anything made of FRP.”

Michel Lefebvre

“UTComp System has developed a repeatable and reproducible non-destructive and non-intrusive ultrasonic method to inspect the fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite structures.”

George Z.H. Zhu
Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering
York University

“For Cargill, the ultrasonic inspection is a proven technique that is used worldwide. In the factories in Sas van Gent and Bergen op Zoom over one hundred plastic tanks are successfully inspected. ”
(Translated from Dutch to English)

Bas Adams
Reliability Leady

“The development of ultrasound inspection methods to inspect FRP has allowed our company to monitor equipment degradation with time and make long-term plans for repair and replacement.”

Yanick Bayard, PE
Rio Tinto Fer et Titane

““The innovative signal analysis software developed by UTComp provides thorough information about the thickness, strength, defects and corrosion barrier of FRP pipes.”

Ahmed Arabi Hassen, PhD
Materials Processing & Applications Development (MPAD) Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham

“The signal analysis conducted by UTComp provides unique defect detection and sensitivity for a range of structural thicknesses, with advantages of single side access. I would highly recommend the UTComp system to industry users.”

Uday K. Vaidya, PhD
Dep of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering


UTComp announces licensing agreement with VED s.r.l.

UTComp is pleased to welcome VED s.r.l. to our growing network of UltraAnalytix® NDT licensees. Established in 1970 and based in Italy, VED provides asset inspection and management services as well as composite equipment production (tanks, pipe, structures),...

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FRP Corrosion Barrier Assessment: Best Practices Guide

Resistance to corrosion is a key advantage of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials.  It makes FRP an ideal choice for tanks, pipes and other equipment in industries like pulp and paper and chemical processing where corrosion is an everyday challenge. However,...

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UAX assessment for FRP composite reliability

For many years, ultrasound has been the go-to non-destructive testing (NDT) technology for inspecting steel pipes, tanks and vessels. However, ultrasonic testing of equipment made from fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites is more recent. Below we discuss...

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Your NDT solution for FRP asset integrity management is here.

UltraAnalytix NDT makes FRP composite inspection as rigorous and reliable as for metallic assets. Get unparalleled Fitness for Service and Remaining Service Life analysis by SNT-TC-1A-certified personnel to improve plant safety and operational efficiency and increase your Return on Assets (ROA).
